Sorry, I haven't posted in a long time, but i was to busy pwning people In AS, AS2, iF, Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion, and Resident Evil 5 I kept for getting. But yay, I was just freely muerking people in AS( Assassin's Creed), getting the Seals for Altair's Armor in AS2( Assassin's Creed II), Tring to level up in Oblivion( current level 40 TT), and Pwning,tring to all weapons and unlimited ammo in Resident Evil 5, and I've been tring to get Hero Karme in inFamous. Its a long and hard( espcally in Oblivion) but I'll do it but still Oblivion going to take me a long to git to the level i want to be at.(I want to a level 100 for now)